Volunteer Fox Valley is your virtual resource center – the place to find volunteer opportunities in the Fox Valley Community! You can get connected to volunteer opportunities in Kane and Kendall Counties. Start making a difference in your community!
Benefits of Volunteering
For the Volunteer
Strengthen Communities
Improve Lives
Meet New People
Learn New Skills
Build Confidence
Relieve Stress
Build Your Resume
Have Fun!
For the Organization
Greater Impact
Broaden your Reach
Keep Costs Low
Access to Special Skills
Raises Awareness
New Ideas & Approaches
Build Capacity
Create Relationships
Partner Agencies
Who We Are
The AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP program pairs thousands of Americans aged 55 and older with organizations creating change in communities across the country.
What We Do
AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP volunteers choose how, where, and how often they want to serve, with commitments ranging from a few hours to 40 hours per week.
How You Can Help
- Serve as a Hospitable-Outgoing Bingo Hostess/Host in our Yorkville Becher Activity Senior Center
- Serve as a Community Action Services Volunteer at the Kendall County Health Department
- Be a Friend! Volunteer for the Friendly Visiting Program
- Become an Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry Hero
Where To Connect
Contact Deborah Lee Sheppard to request a volunteer enrollment form and program information at dsheppard@seniorservicesassoc.org (best method) or call 630-553-5777.
Who We Are
All clients have access to vital, life enriching services including: early intervention; developmental therapy; autism programs; audiology; respite care; permanent, affordable housing; developmental and vocational training; job placement and on-the-job coaching services; crisis intervention; victims services; mental health treatment; health and wellness; behavioral intervention; community education and advocacy.
What We Do
For over 50 years the Association for Individual Development (AID) has provided services to individuals who have developmental, physical and/or mental disabilities, those who have suffered a trauma or those at risk.
How You Can Help
- AID Street Outreach Community Lunch Volunteers Needed- Thursdays in Elgin
Where To Connect
Contact Ava McKinzie to learn more about volunteer opportunities at amckinzie@aidcares.org or call (630) 966-4032.
Who We Are
The mission of Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry is to help end local hunger by ensuring that everyone has access to enough nourishing food, thereby helping our overall community stay healthy and productive.
What We Do
Aurora Food Pantry is one of the largest food pantries in northern Illinois. Aurora Food Pantry is dedicated to ending hunger in the community by providing nutritious food in a humanitarian and compassionate manner.
How You Can Help
- Food distribution Volunteers
Where To Connect
Learn more about volunteer opportunities by contacting Marcy Robles at mrobles@aurorafoodpantry.org or by calling (630) 692-3056.
Who We Are
The Fermilab Natural Areas organization restores and maintains Fermilab's unique combination of ecological environments.
What We Do
The Fermilab Natural Areas organization informs and enrichens local resident’s knowledge of the Fermilab site, and to contribute to the preservation of global biodiversity.
How You Can Help
- Habitat Restoration Workday
Where To Connect
To learn more about volunteer opportunities contact fermilabnaturalareas@gmail.com.
Who We Are
Founded in 2012, Food for Health mission is to build a network of adult and teen volunteers committed to supporting people and families who are dealing with a serious illness by providing nutrient rich meals, nutrition education and personal caring support.
What We Do
Fox Valley Food for Health’s mission is to promote a nutrition focused community through teen education and serving those struggling with a health crisis.
How You Can Help
- Garden Volunteers
Where To Connect
Learn more about volunteer opportunities by contacting Susan Ellward at susane@fvffh.org.
Who We Are
We are committed to the well-being, socialization, and health of seniors. DSCC/KSC's mission is to initiate, deliver, monitor, and coordinate services that promote the ability of older people to live their lives in dignity.
What We Do
Kane Senior Council (KSC) initiates, delivers, monitors and coordinates services that promote the ability of older people to live their lives in dignity.
How You Can Help
- Meals on Wheels Volunteer Driver
Where To Connect
Learn more about volunteer opportunities by contacting Ann-Margaret Luciano at Ann-Margaret.Luciano@dupageseniorcouncil.org or by calling (630) 338-0999.
Who We Are
At Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly, we believe that no one should live without friendship and companionship.
What We Do
Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly is a national network of non-profit volunteer-based organizations committed to relieving isolation and loneliness among the older adults.
How You Can Help
- End Loneliness! Be a friend to an isolated older adult!
Where To Connect
Learn more about this volunteer opportunity by contacting jchartier@lbfechicago.org or by calling (312) 455-1000.
Who We Are
OUR CORE VALUES are Compassion, Dignity, Health, Hope, Service.
What We Do
Loaves & Fishes Community Services is a registered 501(c)(3) organization that provides healthy food and impactful programs to promote self-sufficiency
How You Can Help
- Volunteer Manager
Where To Connect
Learn more about the volunteer opportunities by emailing volunteer@loaves-fishes.org, or calling (630) 355-3663.
Who We Are
At Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry we engage our community as a leader in the ongoing fight against hunger.
What We Do
To continue the legacy of Marie Wilkinson, the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry is dedicated to meeting the hunger needs of individuals and families in Aurora and surrounding communities by educating, empowering, and enlightening people to be self-sustainable through collaborations and partnerships.
How You Can Help
- Food rescue Drivers
Where To Connect
To learn more about volunteer opportunities, contact Erica at operations@mwfoodpantry.org or call (630) 897-5431.
Who We Are
Mutual Ground is the safe place where people come together to break the cycle of domestic violence and sexual abuse.
What We Do
Mutual Ground's free services include: 24-Hour Confidential Hotline - Provides information and support to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, and their significant others.
How You Can Help
- Handyman/woman volunteer
Where To Connect
To learn more contact Krystyna Sarrazin at ksarrazin@mutualground.org or by calling (630) 897-0084.
Who We Are
The mission of Preservation Partners is to offer heritage education and to promote the appreciation and preservation of the Fox Valley’s rich architectural and historical resources.
What We Do
In addition to site tours at these museums and the Fabyan Japanese Garden, we offer many opportunities to protect our shared heritage, through programs and tours focusing on historic preservation and grass-roots advocacy.
How You Can Help
- Docent Durant House & Pioneer Sholes School
- Docent at the Fabyan Villa or Japanese Garden
Where To Connect
To learn more about volunteer opportunities, contact info@ppfv.org or call (630) 377-6424.
Who We Are
RTA’s mission is to bring volunteers and communities together to improve the homes of low-income homeowners so that they may live in warmth, safety, and independence.
What We Do
Rebuilding Together Aurora provides free home repairs and accessibility modifications for low-income homeowners in Aurora, IL.
How You Can Help
- Bilingual Volunteer
Where To Connect
To learn more about volunteer opportunities contact Heather Binder at heather.binder@rtaurora.org or by calling (630) 801-9044.
Who We Are
Senior Services Associates is a not-for-profit agency dedicated to sustaining and improving the quality of life for individuals age 60 and older, the disabled, and their caregivers by providing access to the social services they need.
What We Do
As a non-profit agency, we serve over 29,000 seniors, disabled adults, their families, and caregivers annually.
How You Can Help
- Friendly Visiting Program
Where To Connect
To learn more about volunteer opportunities contact Cindy Adams at cadams@seniorservicesassoc.org or by calling (630) 553-5777.
Who We Are
Our mission is to provide culturally responsive wellness skills that promote youth social-emotional development, and mental health challenges that they are currently facing.
What We Do
This program encourages students to find their own identity while learning positive coping skills, participating in peer support, and taking a leadership role around normalizing mental health awareness.
How You Can Help
- Art Instructor
- Dance Instructor
- Grant Writer
Where To Connect
To learn more contact Liza Olivia at simplydestinee1@gmail.com or call (708) 926-4979.
Who We Are
We are 1 of 7 agencies in the US who is dedicated to the prevention, intervention, and post-vention of suicide.
What We Do
We educate around the topic of suicide, we offer counseling services to those in need, we offer depression screenings in schools, we offer support groups for those who have lost a loved one to suicide, and much more.
How You Can Help
- Suicide Prevention Services- Board of Directors
- Hotline Paraprofessional
Where To Connect
To learn more about volunteer opportunities contact Stephanie Dewinski at stephanied@spsamerica.org or call (630) 482-9699.
Who We Are
The Literacy Connection is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping adults acquire fundamental literacy skills by teaching them to read, write, speak and understand English through one-on-one and small group tutoring.
What We Do
Founded in 1983 by Gail Borden Public Library staff, The Literacy Connection now serves 16 northwest Chicago suburban communities.
How You Can Help
- Adult Literacy tutor
Where To Connect
Learn more about volunteer opportunities by contacting Patricia Williams at literacyprogassist@gmail.com or by calling (847) 742-6565.
Who We Are
At World Relief Chicagoland, we come alongside refugees and other immigrants in vulnerable situations as they rebuild their lives in the United States.
What We Do
World Relief Chicagoland’s key program areas work together to help low-income immigrant and refugee families build meaningful relationships, access needed resources, and overcome cultural, economic, language, legal, and social barriers so that every family can thrive.
How You Can Help
- Interns needed
- Early Childhood Aide
- Friendship Partner
- Transportation Assistant
- Office Assistant
- Health Advocate
- Citizenship Assistant
- Youth Tutor
- English Classroom Aide
- English Language Tutor
Where To Connect
To learn more about these volunteer opportunities, contact Adam Feralio at VolunteerChicagoland@wr.org or call (773) 583-9191.